Lord of the Flies Summary
William Golding's "Lord of the Flies" is a novel that examines the inherent darkness of human nature through the story of a group of boys stranded on a deserted island. The boys initially attempt to establish a civilized society, with Ralph as their elected leader and the intellectual Piggy as his advisor. However, as their attempts at order break down, the boys descend into savagery, led by the charismatic and ruthless Jack. The conflict between Ralph and Jack escalates, culminating in the deaths of Piggy and Simon, and the complete disintegration of their society. The novel ends with the boys being rescued by a naval officer, but the experience has irrevocably changed them. "Lord of the Flies" explores themes of civilization versus savagery, the loss of innocence, and the inherent evil within humanity, making it a profound and disturbing commentary on human behavior and societal structures.