Les Misérables Summary
Victor Hugo's "Les Misérables" is a sweeping epic that explores themes of justice, redemption, and the struggle for freedom. The story centers on Jean Valjean, a former convict imprisoned for stealing bread, who is transformed by an act of mercy from Bishop Myriel. Valjean breaks his parole to start a new life under a new identity, becoming a successful businessman and mayor. However, he is relentlessly pursued by Inspector Javert, who believes in the absolute enforcement of the law. Along the way, Valjean adopts Cosette, the orphaned daughter of Fantine, a woman he had wronged. The novel spans decades, depicting the lives of numerous characters against the backdrop of social upheaval in France, culminating in the Paris Uprising of 1832. Valjean's acts of kindness and bravery, including saving Marius, Cosette's beloved, from the barricades, demonstrate his moral redemption. In the end, Valjean dies in peace, surrounded by those he loves. "Les Misérables" is a powerful examination of the human spirit, social injustice, and the possibility of redemption.