AI Lease Abstraction

Upload a lease to get an abstraction in seconds.

Trusted by 50,000+ real estate agents and professionals worldwide.

How It Works

How It Works

1. Upload documents

1. Upload documents

1. Upload documents

Upload your lease documents to Coral AI.

Upload your lease documents to Coral AI.

2. Ask for a lease abstraction

2. Ask for a lease abstraction

2. Ask for a lease abstraction

Ask Coral AI to create a lease abstraction.

Ask Coral AI to create a lease abstraction.

3. Get lease abstraction

3. Get lease abstraction

3. Get lease abstraction

Get a lease abstraction in seconds.

Get a lease abstraction in seconds.


Frequently Asked Questions

How can I use this?

You can use Coral AI's Lease Abstraction tool to get instant abstractions of leases. It will condense all of the important points in the document into a short easy-to-read format.

How long can the documents be?

Does the AI Lease Abstraction work in other languages?

Will the information be correct?

Will the information be correct?

Will the information be correct?

Does this work with other file types?

Does this work with other file types?

Does this work with other file types?

How long does it take to generate a lease abstraction?

How long does it take to generate a lease abstraction?

How long does it take to generate a lease abstraction?

10X your productivity

Generate a lease abstraction in seconds.